What to Expect


What’s it like at Faith United?

We are a “come as you are” church. Just be yourself and be comfortable – we are a relaxed, friendly community.

Who are we?

Faith United is a multi-generational congregation affiliated with the Church of God (Anderson, Indiana). We enjoy involving people of all ages and walks of life into the life of our congregation.

What will you experience?

We strive for a mixture of contemporary and traditional music. We love the newer music but also embrace the rich theology and heritage of hymns. We’re also a smaller-sized congregation, with around 75 persons worshiping on an average Sunday.

One of the many things we value is learning together, so we offer a variety of adult, student and children’s Sunday classes. One of the great lessons from the Bible is that we learn and grow best together, so we greatly emphasize the importance of connecting with each other. Being together builds lasting friendships and helps us to develop as disciples and apprentices of Jesus.

We hope you’ll visit Faith United, and if you have any questions, please feel free to call us at 616-784-5060 or email us at secretary@faithunitedcog.org.

Visit Us


3290 Walker NW

Grand Rapids, MI 49544

In-Person Worship:

Sunday at 10:00AM

Facebook Live:

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