Within the congregation we have a variety of ministries and ways we connect with one another.
Sunday School
We believe in life-long learning and provide a variety of Sunday School classes for all ages. Sunday School is a key form of discipleship for everyone in the church. Classes meet following worship for about an hour to study the Bible together in a variety of groups.
Youth Group is a great place of our teens to connect with God and one another! All youth grades 6th-12 are welcome on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month from 4pm-6pm for youth group. There are games, fun, and Bible Study.
Faith United is committed to prayer for our church family and our community. A small group meets over Zoom every Monday to pray fro the congregation and community concerns. We have an active prayer chain that prays over urgent concerns in the life of the church.
Our Seniors are committed to each other in fellowship and prayer. The first Wednesday of the month from 11:30am-1pm they meet for lunch and a time of devotions.
We strive for a mixture of contemporary and traditional music. We love the newer music but also embrace the rich theology and heritage of hymns. One of our goals is to include people of all ages, from youth to seniors in leading services.
We believe one of the deepest calls of the church is to be the hands and feet of Jesus to all around us. We strive to partner with organizations in the community who are on the front lines of caring for those who are disadvantaged. We have occasional service projects as needs arise to help our ministry partners.
Kids Hope Mentoring
For over 20 years we have partnered with Alpine Elementary School and participated in Kids Hope. This is a program that pairs up kids with adults from the church for a mentoring relationship. The mentor spends one hour a week with one child at Alpine. The mentor is a safe friend for the child.
Our partnership with Alpine Elementary goes beyond just the Kids Hope Mentoring, this year we have written cards of encouragement to the staff, provided funds for Christmas food baskets, and supported the over all needs of the school.
Learn more about what’s happening at Faith United in our Newsletter.
Ministry Partners
In addition to the ministries here at the church, we are committed to supporting various nonprofits and ministries in our local community, state, country, and around the world as they bring the love and message of Jesus to all corners of the globe.
Locally we support: Mel Trotter Ministries, The Northwest Food Pantry, and Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services
Statewide we support: The Church of God of Michigan and Warner Camp
Nationwide we support: Church of God Ministries and Christian Women Connection’s Christ Birthday Offering
Internationally we support: Children of Promise, Pink Door Berlin, and missionaries Alfonso and Elizabeth Ayala in Belize and Daniel and Christy Kihm in Hungary.
Alfonso and Elizabeth Ayala
Alfonso and Elizabeth Ayala
Alfonso and Elizabeth serve as Church of God missionaries to Belize. They The work with church and community leaders in Belize in the areas of leadership and community development. Alfonso helps church and community leaders with community initiatives, including the implementation of community service projects to satisfy basic health and educational needs. In the area of pastoral and leadership development, he facilitates training workshops and courses with pastors and teachers. Elizabeth encourages, mentors, and coaches former students and high school teachers in their educational endeavors and challenges. She meets with women’s groups and individuals for fellowship, counseling, mutual edification, and friendship.
They partner and network with local and national authorities, agencies, churches, schools, communities, and international organizations, joining forces and resources in the process of community development.
Daniel, Christy, and Sofie Kihm
Daniel and Christy Kihm
Dan and Christy are focused on training and supporting emerging leaders and serving in ministry alongside Church of God congregations in Hungary, the Netherlands, Italy, and throughout Europe and the Middle East. They also facilitate Europe X, a Church of God network and platform for training and encouraging church planters across the region. Christy, along with Global Strategy missionary Audrey Langford, also works closely with the Three Worlds Leadership Network (3WLN) leadership team, helping with planning and logistics.