Love. Grow. Serve.

Sundays at 10am.


Welcome to

Faith United.

We are a multi-generational church engaging people of all ages, walks of life, and stages of faith.

Everyone is welcome to worship with us Sundays at 10am either in person at 3290 Walker Avenue NW Grand Rapids, MI 49544 or online via our Facebook page!


Check out the latest Sermon Series

From now until Easter we will journey through the Gospel of John. Examine with us the life of Jesus as told in the Gospel of John, the story of God coming to earth dwell among us.

Holy Week

April 13-20

Palm Sunday Worship: Sunday April 13 at 10am

Good Friday Worship Experience: Friday April 18 from 6:30pm- 8:00 pm

Easter Worship: Sunday, April 20 at 10am


All Church Game Night

Sunday, March 23

Everyone is invited to a fun night of friendly competition at our all church Game Night! Bring your favorite game and a snack to share. We will be in the Fellowship Hall from 4pm-6pm.

Women’s Spring Bible Study

Ladies, join us for the six-week study, "Untangle Your Emotions." Feelings aren't something to fix; they are something to feel. As we discover how to name and navigate our emotions, we'll learn how they can draw us closer to the God who created us - soul, mind, and heart.

Starting Wednesday, March 26 at 6:30pm through April 30. Sign up by March 23. Cost is $15 and childcare is provided.

I Love My Church

Want to know why people love Faith United and call it home? Listen to the testimony below from a family who calls Faith United Church of God home.

Learn more about what’s happening at Faith United in our Newsletter.


On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays of every month, children 4 years old through 4th Grade are invited to participate in Children’s Church, where they encounter God through Bible stories, crafts and lots of fun!


Youth Group meets two Sundays a month from 4pm-6pm. Everyone in 6-12 grade is welcome. Join us for games, fun, fellowship, and Bible study.



One of the great lessons from the Bible is that we learn and grow best together, so we greatly emphasize the importance of connecting with each other, building lasting friendships and developing as disciples of Jesus. Our adults connect in Sunday School, Women’s Bible Study, and Men’s Fellowship.

Explore Our Ministries

We have a variety of ministries at Faith United for all ages and walks of life.

Visit Us


3290 Walker Avenue NW Grand Rapids, MI 49544

In-Person Worship
Sunday at 10:00AM

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